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Ms. Pelletier and her teams piloted the development and deployment of several successful initiatives:

Global-Watch, plateforme internationale de bonnes pratiques en santé, mieux-être et qualité de vie au travail

Semaine Internationale Francophone pour la santé et la qualité de vie au travail
  • The international francophone week for health and quality of work life, known as International Week, will run from May 1 to 5, 2017 in Montreal. This is an annual rendez-vous organized by the Levia Group in Canada and Groupe AFNOR in France. It provides a unique opportunity to:
    1. Learn more about organizational health;
    2. Talk about best practices that promote health and quality of work life;
    3. Share innovative and promising tools, as well as scientific knowledge; and
    4. Connect with other organizations around the world on business and joint ventures, including site visits, meetings and networking.

Franco-Canadian Partnership to develop tools to reduce impacts on businesses linked to employees with sleeping disorders
  • Conduct an international literature review on best practices, impacts and scientific evidence;
  • Identify tools and interventions to help employers act in their work environment regarding their employees’ sleeping disorders;
  • Video on sleep, one of the tools developed by Levia!
Provincial mobilization strategy on prevention and workplace health in Quebec

Strategic development and deployment of the Healthy Enterprises Group’s initiatives to mobilize employers and stakeholders to integrate best practices related to health and workplace wellness.

Strategic positioning and promotion of the Healthy Enterprise standard and approach.

Within 5 years, more than 400 employers took concrete action, and a multitude of stakeholders have now rallied to promote and facilitate the integration of prevention and workplace quality of work life initiatives.

2013 Annual Report (in French only)
Conference Board case study

Developed the “Rassemblement pour la santé et le mieux-être au travail” and set up the Distinction Awards

Photo RassemblementHealthy Enterprises Group President and CEO Marie-Claude Pelletier, and Quebec Premier Pauline Marois.

  • A not-to-be-missed event in Quebec, with 1200 participants in its first editions.
  • lerassemblement.ca.
Healthy Enterprises Quebec Tour


  • Meeting with 1000 business leaders and stakeholders from 16 regions.
Preparation, negotiation and execution of a major partnership with France (AFNOR Group)

Photo signature entente France

Development and deployment of the workplace prevention program “Ma santé, je m’en occupe!” in many large corporations in Quebec

Significant and positive Return on Investment (ROI) ($1.50 to $3 for each dollar invested), measured by independent third parties in 2004 and mentioned in scientific publications.

Development and deployment of the 5/30 Health Challenge
Deployment of the provincial strategy promoting health in Provigo supermarkets
  • 2.7 million consumers reached in Quebec in the early 1990s.
  • Awareness, detection and educational activities in the province’s 300 stores.

More than 300 conferences, workshop and medias interviews in Canada and in Europe.